The Unibet Arena experience was launched during the French Weeks, an event by The Sandbox that brought together projects from major French brands, from March 23 to April 6, 2023. The challenge was to introduce the famous sports betting brand Unibet into the Web3, focusing on sports rather than betting to avoid the regulations in this field. A concept of sports mini-games, inspired by Wii games and other retro console games, was thus implemented. These games highlight the most popular sports at Unibet: football, tennis, basketball, poker, and boxing. In addition to these games, there is also an educational part about responsible gambling through the "House of Responsible Gaming," which must be visited before starting the game quests. In this context, an arena was created to host these games in a space of 96m x 96m x 128m in The Sandbox. The idea was to test players' abilities to become a Unibet champion by winning trophies in each discipline. A total of five trophies could be won, and an additional Parkour challenge was also created.
The different mini-games included:
Each game can be played in the order desired by the player. With each victory, the player earns a trophy. Once all five trophies are collected, a sixth agility challenge is unlocked: a parkour course over 100 meters above the ground, for the ultimate challenge.
In fifteen days, more than 25,000 players from around the world participated in the adventure, with over 41,000 visits to the game map and more than 7,000 hours of gameplay, with an average playing time of 15 minutes. The experience generated huge buzz, with over 20 walkthrough videos created by fans around the world on YouTube, accumulating tens of thousands of views, and a significant presence on Twitter.