"Brandstorm" is an innovative and ambitious program organized by L'Oréal Groupe to stimulate career development and upskilling for students and professionals under 30 globally. It challenges participants to develop innovative, sustainable, tech-driven, inclusive, feasible, and scalable projects. In collaboration with Salesforce, it also offers an e-learning platform, certification, and opportunities for participants to present their ideas to L'Oréal Groupe experts.
Each country under the L'Oréal Groupe umbrella holds its national competition, and the winners proceed to the international stage. This initiative, with a history of 31 years, has contributed to successful career trajectories within L'Oréal Groupe, such as marketing, product design, communications, and media. Notably, L’Oréal’s Chief Metaverse & Web3 Officer, Camille Kroely, is a Brandstorm alumni.
This year's competition focuses on utilizing AR, VR, AI, NFTs, and the metaverse in the beauty industry. Participants are tasked with designing augmented beauty solutions that bridge the physical and digital divide, enhancing customer connection with L'Oréal Groupe. The company is set to host the French semi-finals in the metaverse, further underlining its commitment to digital advancements.
Key features of the "Brandstorm" experience:
1. Upskilling opportunity: The Brandstorm competition provides a platform for participants to enhance their skills and knowledge through an e-learning platform powered by Salesforce.
2. Global reach: The competition is open to all students and professionals under 30 from around the world.
3. Industry engagement: The participants are given an opportunity to share their ideas with L’Oréal Groupe experts, providing real industry exposure.
4. Career development: Over the years, Brandstorm has proven to be a successful launchpad for participants to kickstart their careers within L'Oréal Groupe.
5. Innovation-focused: This year's competition emphasizes the integration of emerging technologies, such as AR, VR, AI, NFTs, and the metaverse, in the beauty industry.
6. Digital emphasis: Hosting the competition's semi-finals in the metaverse showcases L'Oréal's commitment to embracing and promoting digital advancements in the beauty industry.