This experience was launched to commemorate the release of Giannis Antetokounmpo's icon skin in Fortnite. The map, dubbed Giannis' Dream Arena, showcases a fantastical sky-bound arena filled with clouds, large-scale statues based on the Giannis skins, and basketball hoops among other elements​1​.
Gameplay Mechanics:
- Game Mode: The primary mode of gameplay is a 5v5 Capture The Flag styled game where two teams compete against each other​.
- Arena Setting: The entire game takes place in a sky arena with the map constructed out of clouds, providing a unique gameplay setting​.
- Objectives: Players are tasked with maneuvering through the clouds to collect gems from the enemy team and then return them to their respective bases​.
- PvP (Player vs Player) Combat: While it's a PvP mode, the combat is designed to be non-violent. Players utilize non-violent consumables from Fortnite's library like Boogie Bombs, Impulse Grenades, and Junk Rifts to knock each other off the floating clouds​.
The "GIANNIS' DREAM ARENA" provides an engaging and competitive gameplay experience while paying homage to Giannis Antetokounmpo in a creative and visually appealing setting.