"Healverse" is a ludo-educational game created by Code Green in partnership with The Sandbox and United Nations, aimed at promoting positive environmental actions to preserve the planet. Here's a summary of the experience and its features:
- Five Legendary Healers: The game is centered around five legendary Healers, each with a specific region under their protection corresponding to elements like fire, water, air, etc. These regions are called their Kingdoms.
- NFT Collection: Marco Conti Sikic designed a collection of NFTs representing these Healers. The NFTs include various details that give insights into the environment where they reside.
- Crystals and Healing: Each Healer possesses a Crystal that protects their Kingdom. Players must recover these crystals, and the union of all five crystals would heal the planet.
- Gems of Knowledge: Players must accumulate Gems of Knowledge and perform ecological actions to gain the Healers' trust and retrieve the crystals. These gems contain short texts that players can read to gain knowledge about environmental protection.
- Vertical Level Design: The game's landscape is designed vertically, where each 1×1 land parcel appears as a fabulous island in a broader view. Concept art and sketches have been created to visualize the different Kingdoms.
- Habitats and Population: The game includes different populations corresponding to each Healer, with uniquely designed habitats and houses for the characters.
- Educational Missions: The missions are designed to teach players simple actions that advance environmental protection. Players must collect Gems of Knowledge to answer a quiz at the end of each level, under the form of the Healer's judgment.
- Multiple Endings: The game offers two quests per level, resulting in 32 different ways to finish the game, allowing access to all the content.
- NFT Collection for Fundraising: The funds raised from selling NFTs will go to Code Green's association to fight against climate change. Different priced assets were chosen so that everyone could participate.
- Easter Eggs: Two Easter Eggs are placed within the game, revealing hidden zones.
- Incorporation of Environmental Elements: The characters, environments, and missions are meticulously designed to mirror environmental elements like vegetation, climate, etc.
In summary, "Healverse" is an innovative and engaging game that combines entertainment with education, aiming to raise awareness and encourage positive action towards environmental conservation. It creatively integrates NFTs, unique character design, vertical level structure, and various interactive elements, all wrapped around the theme of healing the Earth.